Funding for the Future
In efforts to keep the facility affordable for families, a permanent endowment will be essential to help ensure sustainability by subsidizing any potential operating deficit. We hope to raise $500,000 for this endowment.
Building this resource now shall provide a long-term building block for the sustainability and growth of the childcare center.
Naming & Recognition Opportunities
Exterior wall signage, acknowledgment on website, recognition on social media, prominently displayed on donor wall, and recognition at the grand opening event.
Interior wall signage, acknowledgment on website, recognition on social media, prominently displayed on donor wall, and recognition at the grand opening event.
Interior wall signage, acknowledgment on website, recognition on social media, prominently displayed on donor wall, and recognition at the grand opening event.
Interior wall signage, acknowledgment on website, recognition on social media, prominently displayed on donor wall, and recognition at the grand opening event.
Gifts of $1,000 or greater, along with any naming rights donations, will be recognized collectively on a donor wall according to the following levels.
Blue Level
Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999
Bronze Level
Gifts of $5,000 to $14,999
Silver Level
Gifts of $15,000 to $29,999
Gold Level
Gifts over $30,000